Shine Bright for Kids Campaign Proposal Form
Thank you for your interest in supporting Children's Minnesota. Before you hold or publicize your campaign, you must submit this application to Children's Minnesota Foundation for approval. Once submitted, a member of the Foundation will contact you by phone or email. Click here to learn about sponsorship opportunities for this event. Find out more about how to get involved.
Proceeds from the Shine Bright for Kids campaign will support the Cancer Kids Fund at Children's Minnesota
Children's Minnesota Foundation grants permission for contributions to be solicited in the name of Children's Minnesota for the Shine Bright for Kids campaign, and the name "Children's Minnesota" to be used exclusively for that purpose. Children's Minnesota Foundation reserves the right to withdraw this permission at any time.
The organization/company sponsoring the campaign assumes all risks and liabilities associated with the campaign and hereby releases and holds harmless Children's Minnesota and Children's Minnesota Health Care Foundation and their directors, officers, employees, agents, and successors, and assigns from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees. Arising out of or including, without limitation, any personal injuries or damage to property which may occur in conjunction with the campaign. Children's Minnesota participation as a beneficiary in no way implies a business agreement with any sponsors or committee members.
I agree on behalf of the organization/company that I represent that Children's Minnesota will receive all revenues from the campaign within 30 days of the event or within alternative terms mutually agreed upon. Ongoing campaigns must provide revenue to Children's Minnesota once every quarter. I agree that all printed and/or online materials and publicity for the event must be approved by Children's Minnesota prior to being released, printed, etc. and that I will abide by the policies and guidelines provided to my organization/group by Children's Minnesota.
Please submit this form at least four weeks prior to the proposed first day of the campaign. Completion of this form does not ensure approval. If you have any questions regarding this form or your campaign, please contact Children's Minnesota Foundation at 952-992-5500 or [email protected].